They denounce the impossibility of acts in Barañain
  • The groups have denounced the lack of authorization for activities that would comply with the current regulations.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2020ko ekainaren 26a
Ekitaldiak egiteko ezintasuna salatu dute Barañainen.

Yesterday the parties began in Barañain. However, due to the pandemic, the City Hall has suspended the celebrations. With all the security measures implemented, the neighbours and neighbours of Barañáin have shown their desire to carry out various acts during these days. El Consistorio, for its part, has not given permission to the neighbours of the Biscay village.

Several groups and neighbours met yesterday in the amphitheater of Lakua to denounce the lack of municipal authorization to carry out the activities during these days. The groups do not share "the closure of Navarra Suma" and have criticized that "until small cultural events are allowed that comply with the security measures that the situation requires, last weekend mass events were held in Pamplona/Iruña without complying with the distancing measures". The City Council, for its part, called for responsibility and to maintain security during these dates.