Celebration of a far-right event in the Donostiarra club Cantabrico
  • Francoist Álvaro Romero, the ultra-right agent of the Spanish Police Jesús Longueira and the ultra-right Martin Saenz de Ynestrillas will be at the Club Cantabrico de San Sebastian on 23rd to present the book ETA, neither forgetting nor forgiveness, written by Longueira. The book has been edited by the far-right editorial SND and has been edited by Romero. For his part, Ynestrillas has written a prologue.
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The Club Cantabrico Association, founded in 1891, is one of the most exclusive associations in San Sebastian, since women cannot be partners, and in the barley do not touch drums or barrels; the few women who leave acquire other roles – flagged, cantinera, etc. The website of the association has not yet announced the far-right act, but the editorial has already announced it.

In addition, the SND has announced the event with hate messages. According to the editorial, the presentation will be “a unique opportunity to pay tribute to almost 1,000 deaths of the murderous group, even more so when today they want to present themselves as an unimportant conflict”. In addition, the ultraderechist editorial notes that the presence of the event in San Sebastian “is of double importance because it is the cradle of the terrorist band”.

Martin Saenz de Ynestrillas, Falangist

Martin Saenz de Ynestrillas, a well-known Phalangist, has been a candidate for the ultra-right right-wing party Spanish Phalanx and the ultra-right right-wing coalition ADÑ, among others. According to Sare Antifaxista, Saenz de Ynestrillas was also in San Sebastian in 2007 and 2008, being “an anti-fascist response” in the city. Against the Democratic Memory Act, the Falangist prologue has written, disseminating far-right messages against this law, the Government of Spain, EH Bildu and ERC.

As for Romero, he is editor of the SND editorial board, and we only have to look at the list of books edited by that editorial to see his line. Books praising Franco predominate, among them Franco, coordinated by Romero himself. Unerasable memory (2021). Romero also works in the ultraderechist media ÑTV, in which he recently interviewed Longueira. The interview was conducted in the context of the book presented at the Club Cantabrico and, among other things, the author generally called the dictator Francisco Franco and said that EH general coordinator Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, should remain in prison.

The book opposes the peace process in the conflict in Euskal Herria and seeks to praise the false story of the far-right. In this sense, Romero defined in that dialogue the conflict as a “war between the Basque Country and Spain” and said that “the Basque Country has won”.

Ynestrillastarrak, far-right family

Ynestrillas is a last name that has historically been related to the Spanish far-right and military tradition. Martin's third, Ramón Saenz de Inestrillas, fought in the third Carlist war in favor of Carlos Borbonic. Son of Ramon and great-grandfather of Martin, Ricardo Saenz de Inestrillas and Pardo was an Infantry officer of the Spanish army and his son Alfredo Saenz de Ynestrillas (grandfather of Martin) was a Phalangist and fought in the 36th Franco war.

Son of Alfredo and father of Martín, Ricardo Saenz de Ynestrillas Martínez, among others, participated in the Spanish Legion and on several occasions in the conspiracy against the Spanish Government. In fact, he participated in the Operation Galaxy coup trial in 1978 with Antonio Tejero. Later, Tejero gave the coup d'état on 23 February 1981, with the presentation of the book of the Club Cantabrico on 23 February. He was also accused in 1985 of participating in a bombing attempt against the authorities of the Spanish Government. The following year, in 1986, ETA killed him.

Ricardo Saenz de Ynestrillas Martínez had three sons: Ricardo, Martín and Jesús Saenz de Ynestrillas Pérez. Ricardo is an ultraderechist known, among other things, for the creation of the Alliance for National Unity, for the trial and acquittal for his participation in numerous paramilitary acts against the Abertzale left, including the murder of Josu Muguruza, for the conviction of five days in prison in Gibraltar for the placing of the Spanish flag in the castle of Morisco, and for the seven-year rejection of a shooting.