On 9 and 10 June the Ekinez Festival was organised in Bergara
  • The Ekinez Festival will be held in the area of the sports club Labegaraieta de Bergara, will be the meeting point of the alternative music of Euskal Herria. Brigade Loco, Tatxers, Doubling Boys and others will attend.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko ekainaren 05
Ekinez Jaialdiko egitaraua (Iturria: Ekinez Jaialdia) Ekinez Jaialdiko egitaraua (Iturria: Ekinez Jaialdia)

On 9 and 10 June the Ekinez Festival will be held in Bergara, a meeting point for the alternative music of Euskal Herria. In total, 28 musical groups from the Basque Country will participate, increasing last year’s number.

The first day, June 9, will be Añube, Tatxers, Brigade Loco, Denso and Balloon Fram, among others. On June 10, the Street Urdangas, Hell Beer Boys, Sofokaos, Doubling Boys and Against you will be on stage.