The LER closed the poster: Gorka Urbizu, Anari, Libe, Bananas, Raimundo el Canasta...
  • They have also made progress on conferences and round tables: the situation in Palestine, the European pact and the immigration law, peasant mobilization or the debate on the model of festivals and music, among others. The festival will take place on 28, 29 and 30 June, for the first time in Arberatz. The 3-day bonds are for sale at 60 euros. The organization calls for collaboration.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2024ko maiatzaren 07a
Irisarrin egin da festibala azken bost urteetan. Aurten Arberatzera lekualdatu dute. Argazkian, festibaleko irudi bat, 2020koa. (Dani Blanco / ARGIA CC BY SA)

The EHZ festival this morning has given the third and final breakthrough. Among the musicians of Arberatz (Nafarroa Beherea) are Gorka Urbizu, Anari, Libe, Raimundo el Canasta, Bananas or DJ Reimy. Great and interesting names such as Belako, Su Ta Gar, Süne, Nakar, Pelax and Octopussy were announced in the two previous progress posters.

At the end of the story you can see the list of groups per day. The organization has highlighted that they have tried to offer a quality offer for all generations and tastes.

Current challenges

Beyond being a music festival, the LER is a different meeting point that offers a space for reflection and debate. That is why, once again, in this edition, current topics and social challenges will be on the table.

Although the rapporteurs did not report opening hours and places, on 7 May they announced the themes or starting points: there will be a talk to analyse the situation in Palestine, the European pact and immigration laws, the annual mobilizations of farmers, the reflection on the festival model and music, the use of Ertzaintza and new technologies, the Kimiri exhibition, the initiation of the Basque language, etc.

In addition, as usual, the organization of the RSI will prepare a children's corner. On Saturday and Sunday there will be inflatables, games and other animations.

Assistant call

Every year, they need hundreds of collaborators to push through the EHZ festival, and so they've stressed that everyone needs help in housing, in traffic, in food preparation, in safety, in the green brigade -- and, of course, in assembly. It will begin on 19 June and it will be open to anyone who will give a hand.

They call to register on the CER website.

Price clarifications

As the date approaches and programming becomes known, prices increase. Three-day bonds are sold today for 60 euros and at the same festival for 65 euros.

You can also purchase daily tickets. Friday and Saturday 25 euros and Sunday 19 euros.

Buses from multiple locations in Iparralde

From Atharratze, Baigorri and Baiona, the LER will organise round-trip buses every day. Each travel card may be purchased for €1.20 and will be available on 3 June.

The Festival will also offer a free sleeping space both in the camp and in the car park. The capacity is planned for hundreds of vehicles, but this year there will be no special van, although they have determined that it will be a quiet place to sleep.



Revenge: Janus Lester, Sei Sega, Auhen, Pelax, Tshegue, Bananas, Belako, Benizze, Meule.

Plaza: Euskabaret, Broken Brothers Brass Band


Suffering: Libe, Karma, Haira, RTZ Collective, Gorka Urbizu, Harat, Su Ta Gar, Kimule, Lysistrata, Nakar, Süne, Ke Lepo, Vox Low.

Plaza: African dance workshop, musical verses, Seguime (Cie ZeC), Zabala, Otonaia, Gaitamik, Anari, Punttu Kakotx, Buuzbu.


Pendencia: Octopussy, Rüdiger, Katoum, Vincen García, Ezez, Bloñez, Ü, Old School Funky Family.

Plaza: Gaiteros y Ciantes, Orchestra of the Amoba School, Munhogain, Seguime (Cie ZeC), Beethoven, Basque Country, Cie Par Allèles, Pantzo Man Show, Cocanha, DJ Reimy, Raimundo el Canweekly.