EHZ fired Irisarri
  • The festival brings together 12,000 people in Irisarri Square and the prairie. In addition to the public, the organization has highlighted the work of 500 collaborators.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko uztailaren 03a
EHZko belardia, jendez beteta. Argazkia: EHZ.

On Friday, the CER opened with the trio Habia in Plaza de Irisarri, while occupying seats in the camp. The audience then went to the grass to enjoy the concerts. Belaco could not finally give the concert, but Lukie replaced it.

The second day opened with verses, with talks, workshops and round tables at the Casa de Cultura. More performances per day: rap workshop, concert by the collective Zizpa, Txiki monologue or the spectacular “Gazte” by Hika Teatroa and Oinkaridantza. Zeta, Gatibu and Krav Boca acted in the evening.

In the Airoski Hall, the Basque House of Agriculture offered a little traditional. This year’s edition ended with the concerts of Soulfly and FM Belfast.

Farewell to Irisarri

On Saturday the EH organization fired Irrisari at the event, highlighting the importance of its collaborators. In the coming months, the next location of the RSI will be decided. They say one thing is safe: “Because in the new country we will create the dynamic hundreds of collaborators and continue to build the people from the EHZ festival.”