Hundreds of workers continue to clean closed and clean centres
  • The LAB trade union has denounced that, a week after total confinement, hundreds of laundries continue to go to the cleaning of closed educational centers at the CAV "by order of the Department of Education". Companies that continue to provide unnecessary service by endangering the health of their workers are: ISS, Care, Garbialdi and OHL. The union has also stated that the centres that continue to be cleansed "have not taken care of".
LAB sindikatua @labsindikatua 2020ko apirilaren 01

The LAB trade union has reported on several educational establishments and cleaning companies which, when the centres are closed, send workers for cleaning.

In Bizkaia, the union has pointed out that these are over 40 different workplaces. These include: IES Gurutzeta (company ISS), IES Uribe Kosta (ISS), IES Balmaseda (ISS), FP Erandio (ISS), IES Gernika (company Zaindu), EOI Bermeo (Zaindu), faculty of San Mamés (company Garbialdi).

In Gipuzkoa, Azkoitia BHI (ISS), Bachiller Azkoitia (ISS), Altza (Garbialdi), Iparragirre Zumarraga-Urretxu (ISS).

In all these schools in Álava the company ISS is providing cleaning services: IES Aniturri de Salvatierra, IES Murgia (Murgia), ESO Ekialde Vitoria-Gasteiz, IES Mendebaldea de Vitoria-Gasteiz; and the music conservatory Jesús Guridi de Vitoria-Gasteiz.

Cleaning clean and closed centres

The LAB trade union has denounced that despite the fact that the Total Confinement Decree in Hego Euskal Herria has entered into force this week, "hundreds and hundreds of workers in the cleaning sector must continue to go to their workplaces, which are already clean, which are closed and that, right now, cleaning is not essential for secondary schools and residences of the UPV". He points out the weakness of the Royal Decree: "The Decree considers cleaning as a fundamental activity, but not the difference between cleaning a health center or public transport, a school, a museum or a closed office."

Companies send employees to clean closed centers

The union has denounced the "irresponsibility" of companies, since "starting from the primacy of cleaning, they send workers to clean closed centers. Even knowing that it is not an essential activity and being fully aware that it is not safe for them, as they do not provide them with the necessary protective equipment. And in case this wasn't enough, the workplaces are closed, and despite the orange alarm these days, they work without heating."

The Department of Education gives the express order to continue the provision of the cleaning service

"We denounce the attitude of public administrations and, in particular, the Department of Education, which has given an express mandate to companies to continue to provide the cleaning service, even if their centers remain closed since 13 March, putting their health at risk." It is striking that this decision comes after a call for a strike that demanded that workers dignify their working conditions".