The protest reaches the incinerator of Zubieta and the Ertzaintza responds to blows
  • Convened by Gipuzkoa Zutik and with the support of several institutions, during the afternoon of Sunday many citizens have approached to the so-called 'centre 0' that is building the incinerator of Zubieta. The Ertzaintza has prevented them from accessing the area, so they have cut all the roads.
ARGIA @argia 2018ko irailaren 24a
Protestariak erraustegiraino heldu ziren, eta Ertzaintzak bi zutabeetako bati eraso egin zion. (Argazkia: Dani Blanco)

The Gipuzkoan authorities have deployed more Ertzaines than in the march of last year and the helicopter has followed closely all the movements of the Protestants. Transporting their protest to the door of the incinerator, hundreds of citizens blackened with white monkeys have embarked on the road down.

Neighbours set themselves blank to take the path of the Zubieta incinerator.

News about the aggressive behaviour of the Ertzainas against some citizens has been disseminated over the past few minutes, thanks to images posted on social networks by some attendees:

Neighbours have responded to the Ertzainas’ blows by showing their empty hands: