Manifesto of one hundred jurists: "13/13 is a summary of past times"
  • A hundred laws have issued a manifesto denouncing irregularities in case 13/13. These irregularities have been summarised in five points and have pointed out that some of the defendants have denounced the torture they presented.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko azaroaren 11
13/13ko auzipetuak uztailean Espainiako Auzitegi Nazionalera sartu aurretik (argazkia: Juan Karlos Izagirre)

Around 100 legal experts have published a manifesto on Thursday denouncing irregularities in case 13/13. Among other things, they regretted the attitude of the Public Prosecutor's Office during the judicial sessions held at the Spanish National Hearing in spreading the idea that "ETA has not disappeared". "One thing that cannot be supported," they explained in the first point of the manifesto, is that ETA announced ten years ago the cessation of armed activity and handed over arms in 2017 and was later dissolved."

"After ten years, we understand that tacit regulations need to be deconstructed," the lawyers say in the text, in which they believe that the Special Jurisdiction of the National Court should also be suspended. In this sense, they have demanded that criminal law be interpreted "objectively" in criminal laws.

Twice condemn those accused for an event, the lack of control over the CNI police who have carried out the investigation, the allegations of torture of the accused, the violations of fundamental rights... There are many irregularities mentioned in the manifesto.

In the end, the lawyers conclude that this is a "summary of past times 13/13" and call for respect for the fundamental rights and judicial protection of defendants.

The trial against Arantza Zulueta, Jon Enparantza, Naia Zuriarrain, Saioa Agirre, Nerea Redondo, Julen Zelarain and Iker Sarriegi started last July and prosecutor José Perals asks the defendant for a total of 77 years in jail for "settling ETA's legal front". The defence had requested the suspension of the trial on the grounds that there were obvious irregularities in the proceedings, but the President of the court, Angela Murillo, denied the petition.

The last meeting was held on 29 October and the prosecution has continued to seek the same prison sentence against the accused, except in the case of Julen Zelarain. The Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT) has also joined the call for assistance.