They detect a hundred positive in Azpeitia in recent days
  • Osakidetza has detected about a hundred cases in over 2,500 tests conducted from Friday to date. Mayor Nagore Alkorta said they believe the neighborhood "is being located and is closing" in the area. However, he has also appealed to the hotel owners outside the Casco Viejo to carry out a PCR test, which will take place today and tomorrow. The measures taken so far remain in force, and tomorrow there will be no ordinary market in Betharram. The Azpeitia City Hall has appealed to the municipalities of the region to cooperate because Azpeitia's focus "is not an isolated case".
Uztarria 2020ko abuztuaren 17a
Nekane Murga Azpeitian. Argazkia: Uztarria

A hundred positive cases of coronavirus. These are the PCR tests performed by the Department of Health in Azpeitia from last Thursday until yesterday, Thursday, in which 13 cases were detected and 47 were detected on Friday and Saturday. As far as the outbreak in the Casco Viejo is concerned, Osakidetza has already carried out some 2,500 tests, and will continue to do more tests today and tomorrow. In fact, Osakidetza has already started to call on the contacts of the citizens who have already tested positive so that they can go to the test. In addition, the Azpeitia City Hall has appealed to the bars of the area not located in the Casco Viejo to take the test.

The mayor, Nagore Alkorta, explained that "many tests are being done" and has been confident that, with today's tests, they will reach 3,000. He has also stated that they believe that "the Foko is being located and closed", which has its advantages in the coming years. "We think we've gone up to the outbreak. Go ahead, cheer! ". However, it has shown concern for older people who have tested positive and for those with previous pathologies. Given the situation created in the locality, the mayor has thanked the staff of Osakidetza, the Municipal Police, the bars and the citizens for the situation they are experiencing.

No market in Betharrameta

On Thursday, Osakidetza detected thirteen cases of coronavirus in Azpeitia and, faced with the possibility that there might be an outbreak in the locality, began conducting massive PCR tests. Specifically, on 7, 8 and 9 August the City Council called the residents and neighbors of the Old Party to carry out the test.

The City Hall met on Friday with Osakidetza and other social agents of the municipality, to which a series of prevention measures was also added. Among others, it closed the municipal services - swimming pool, sports club... -, the day center and suspended the visits to the San Martín Residence.

On the other hand, all the bars in the Old Party have been closed since last Friday, and they will continue until the situation stabilizes. Alkorta explained that, in addition, all the bars affected by the fire have already begun to be disinfected. Today the City Hall has taken another step: tomorrow, Tuesday, there will be no regular market in Betharrameta; in the Market Square there will only be stalls for the sale of baserritars.

"It's not an isolated case"

The mayor of Azpeitia has appealed to the rest of the mayors of the region to cooperate because, according to him, the focus of Azpeitia "is not an isolated case". "It must be taken at a broader level and today we will talk to other mayors in the region, because among all of us, we can make better decisions to provide a more appropriate response to this global problem," he added.

It has also indicated that it is up to the municipalities to take the initiative, because they are "in it": "As a City Hall we have to make decisions quickly, because decisions that come from high-level institutions often arrive late or do not come," he added. And he warned of the importance of the town councils making these decisions in cooperation with the people of the region. "Treating cases in isolation makes no sense."