The news published by InfoLibre shows that former Secretary of State for Security of Spain, Francisco Martínez, requested information about a professor of the UPV in the WhatsApp messages exchanged with the head of the Central Operational Support Unit (UCAO). The UCAO is a unit of the Spanish Police that spy on people and communications.
As published, the Ministry of the Interior spies its political rivals using the police. They spoke on 2 April 2015 – we will offer it in Basque.
“Do you know anything about this?” Can it be Podemos or Bildu?
I will tell you immediately.
(15 minutes later)
– In 2012 I collaborated with Askapena, that is, more from Bildu, and I am trying to locate the UPV/EHU security chief, who you will surely know.
(Minutes later)
“The UPV security chief has told me that he is now with Podemos.
LAB has denounced in a note on its website Who passed data on political affiliations of UPV workers to the Spanish Police? under the title. It mentions that he has been the head of security for the UPV since 2015.
“If the authenticity of this information is confirmed, it is particularly serious. It appears that through the UPV/EHU Chief of Security, the correct transfer to the police of UPV personnel would entail certain limitations. While many of the UPV/EHU staff projects must pass through the Ethics Committee, while we are required to comply with data protection regulations, the Chief of Security of the UPV/EHU gives the police the personal information of the workers and the data on their political affiliation, according to the documentation of the Kitch case. Moreover, it can be seen from this dialogue that this was not the first time and that obtaining information on the political affiliation of the workers of the UPV/EHU could be done very simply and quickly”.
They ask Rector Eva Ferreira whether he has more information, whether they have taken action and who has been the source of these leaks, and ask him to take disciplinary action.
Between 2015 and 2019, hundreds of Whatsapp, among the members of the Ministry of the Interior and the police chiefs, have shown that the strategy of the PP ministry of the time was to spy on the independence parties and Podemos, in most cases without judicial authorization, and that there were false information that was published in the Spanish media and that was intended to do political damage.
The actions of the Government of Spain are common in sewers. Last year the Pegasus case was well known, whereby the Spanish police spared Catalan and Basque independence politicians. They also imprisoned senior PSOE officials, including the government president, Pedro Sánchez, and the defense minister, Margarita Robles. However, when in the Spanish Congress several parties requested the establishment of a commission of inquiry on the issue, the PSOE, the PP and Vox rejected the petition. Now, the Spanish Anti-corruption Prosecutor’s Office has called for a 15-year sanction against former PP minister Fernández Díaz for the action in the case of Kitch.