A professor at the UPV/EHU School of Architecture denounces sexual assault on students
  • The UIB and the women's group Arrakala have reported that a teacher had taught their students about their penis. In addition to the sexist aggression, they have denounced that the UPV/EHU has concealed the event "for not blurring the image of the university".
ARGIA @argia 2021eko urriaren 22a
Argazkia: EHU

The women group Arrakala of the Gipuzkoa Campus of the UPV/EHU and Indar Batasuna of the UIB University have denounced the sexual assault committed by a teacher through a video broadcast on social networks. As they have explained, the attack took place on October 4 at the Superior Technical School of Architecture, where the professor "taught the penis to students with violence". As you have added, it is not the first time that the teacher has attacked his students, although no further details have been given about the type of aggression they have suffered.

Both agents have decided to publicly denounce the fact, after the teacher has continued to teach normally. "If we are denouncing this fact two weeks later, it is because the UPV/EHU has not provided any information on it. In order not to dirty the image of the university, they have concealed this attack of extreme gravity," they said.

In this sense, they have denounced the "hypocrisy of the policies of equality and bodies of the UPV/EHU" because "in the face of this type of aggression it is clear that the policies promoted in recent years do not provide real conditions for the aggressions not to occur".