The UPV/EHU and the Department of Health of the Basque Government sign an agreement for conducting PCR tests
  • The Basque Government has stated that "this agreement will serve, among other things, to find people who do not have symptoms or symptoms.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko apirilaren 30

The Basque Government Minister of Health, Nekane Murga, and the Rector of the University of the Basque Country, Nekane Balluerka, signed a collaboration agreement on 29 April between the two institutions to "increase the detection capacity of the coronavirus SARS-CoV and in the Basque Country". It is the information provided by the Basque Government.

PCR tests to identify patients with coronavirus without symptoms

The Basque Government has stated that "this agreement will serve, among other things, to find people who do not have symptoms, in the same sample of the working population in Osakidetza. Therefore, about 5,000 people selected to participate in this study, in addition to performing a rapid (serological) test, will also be offered a PCR to detect people without symptoms and their evolution. Thus, the Basque Country increases its capacity to detect coronavirus as a result of the collaboration between the Department of Health and the UPV/EHU".

Murga recalled that UPV laboratories are included in the Osakidetza Contingency Plan to deal with the pandemic. And Rector Balluerka underlined "the intense collaboration between the Department of Health and the University of the Basque Country (UPV)".

Rapid response from researchers and desired response from organizations

Balluerka underlined "the great work done by all the researchers involved in this project (UPV/EHU, Ikerbasque, Achucarro, Bizkaia Biophysical Foundation, Osakidetza). They responded quickly to an imminent scientific challenge, and now you see that the answer is also being effective."

However, the implementation of these PRCs between the two institutions has not been launched as soon as many citizens wish. The collection of signatures has taken place on several occasions.

Researchers have needed about a month to develop PCR tests (the lockdown was established on 14 March in Hego Euskal Herria, and on 10 April we learned that these PCR tests were carried out), and the institutions have taken 20 days to sign the convention for its implementation.