The UPV/EHU cites by 64.1 million euros the works of the Faculty of Medicine and Nursing, eleven times more expensive than at first
  • In August, the UTE Medicina regressed in the agreement to build the new School, claiming that the price provided by the UPV/EHU did not cover costs. The school to be built next to the Hospital de Basurto in Bilbao will be delayed by an academic year: The university hopes to open its doors by 2026-2027. Companies have until 3 February to submit their offers.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko abenduaren 27a
Medikuntza eta Erizaintza fakultate berriaren aurreikuspena, Basurto ospitaletik gertu. / Argazkia: EHU

The University of the Basque Country plans to build a new Faculty of Medicine and Nursing next to the hospital of Basurto in Bilbao. In October last year he announced the project and put out the first tender. Regarding the increase in construction costs, however, they have provided for costs eleven times higher than those foreseen for the new faculty last year: EUR 64.1 million. The university expects the building to be available for the course 2026-2027.

Initially, the TEU was a TEU that was responsible for the work for 53.4 million euros. But last August it refused to be profitable due to the increased energy and materials primas.La UPV/EHU has reviewed the bidding conditions and estimated the cost of construction at EUR 64,092,555.22. It will be financed from CAPV’s Euskadi Next programme.

For this second award, companies may submit their tenders until 3 February 2023. The UPV/EHU plans to close the contract by mid-May and start work in the second half of June. Thus, the opening of the school will be analyzed in an academic year, and, if there are no further drawbacks, the UPV/EHU expects it to be available for the course 2026-2027, although it was initially planned for 2024.

The Faculty is divided into four areas. The largest of these will be used for research, with an area of 5,300 square metres. As for university studies, the degrees will be taught in medicine, nursing and physiotherapy, as well as seven master's degrees: Healthy Aging and Quality of Life; Pharmacology; Biomedical Engineering; Biomedical Research; Microbiology and Health; Neurosciences; and Public Health.