Ehgam's Iraqueque Group Is Already Underway
  • Ehgama starts the Iraquearle group in San Sebastián. A book on LGTBIQ+ will be drawn up each month. The poetry recital by Oihana Arana, Maialen Berasategi Catalan, Eva Pérez-Pons and Leire Vargas will begin on October 11.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko urriaren 04a
Kae Tempest idazlearen 'Antzinako berri-berriak' izango du ardatz ekaineko saioak.

Ehgama's Iraqueque Group sessions will focus on a book on LGTBIQ+ themes. They will be held once a month at the Texas Factory in the Donostia district of Egia. All sessions will be on Tuesdays at 18:30.

They will work books in both Basque and Spanish and the tertulias will be in Basque. The sessions are aimed at anyone who is interested in the subject. People interested in participating can write to the address


-11 October: presentation and recital of poetry. Oihana Arana, Maialen Berasategi Catalan, Eva Pérez-Pons and Leire Vargas.

-8 November: When does the wardrobe end? (Egoitz Arbiol and Ibai Fresnedo)

-December 13:Feminismokear da mundua (Gracia Trujillo)

-10 January: Zergatik ona izan daiteke, normal izan daiteke? (Jeannette Winterson)

-14 February: Todes politika. Feminism, Queer Theory and Marxism at the Intersection (Holly Lewis)

-14 March: The art of failure. (Jack Halberstam)

-18 April: Transgender fighters. (Leslie Feinberg)

-9 May: Politika a caraperro (Paco Vidé)

-13 June. Old News (Kae Tempest)