EHE members try to chain themselves to the parliamentary portal to denounce the Education Act
  • The members of Euskaraz have protested before the Gasteiz Parliament for the approval of the “expired” Education Act. At 9:00 in the morning there was a concentration in which two members tried to chain a parliamentary departure.
Izaro Villarreal Lauroba 2023ko abenduaren 21
Goizean goiz eginiko protestako irudia / Argazkia: Euskal Herrian Euskaraz

This Thursday morning the Basque Parliament passed the Education Act under the sole auspices of the PNV and the PSE, and dozens of agents have called for protests. Members of EHE Educación Euskaldun once and for all! have met under the motto “planting” the law early in the morning. The movement denounces that this is an “outdated” law that “strengthens” problems and “aggravates leaks”. “From EHE we want to make it clear: we do not adopt this Education Act,” they added. After the merger, two members try to chain themselves on Parliament’s portal, but the Ertzainas launch it “by pushing”.

The recent adoption of this law implies the continuity of the language model system, which has denied and continues to deny thousands of students the ability to speak, read and write in Basque: “The law will continue to fail to respond to the enormous challenges we have in other areas essential to achieving Euskaldunization.” They say that since the beginning of the debate process, “indefinition” and “ambiguity” have prevailed.

Therefore, they ask the Basque educational community, teachers, students, fathers, mothers and other workers to propose this law. Thus, they have been added to position themselves to fight against Basque education: “It is time to review and look ahead to the strategies so far, to continue to influence the direction of Basque Education we need.”