The platform has defined Balck Friday (black Friday) and Ciber Monday (cyber Monday) as "synonyms of compulsive consumption", as you can read on the website of Ekologistak Martxan: "On the radio, on television, in transport, in the press… everywhere there are amazing deals, and everything but if we buy online." But he explained the serious social and environmental consequences of this: "Online trade destroys jobs and precaries working conditions, not only increases freight transport, but also CO2 emissions. Over 5,000 small businesses have closed their doors at the CAV between 2008 and 2016, according to the Basque Department of Security. On the other hand, textile fashion is one of the most toxic industries, as its toxic components take more than 200 years to degrade and generate mountains of garbage, accumulating 39,000 tons of clothing used in the deserts of impoverished countries".
Faced with that, EH Kapitari Planto! The platform has called for the celebration of No Purchases Day, "encouraging participation in forms of consumption that contribute to a fairer and more sustainable world". To this end, they propose:
– Deal with the compulsive shopping that is done by clicking.
– Meeting basic needs without making purchases as a more sustainable solution: arranging, exchanging, sharing, creating…
– Support for small trade and local trade.
– Face-to-face purchase and, where not possible, use of local platforms grouping local traders.