The committee of experts, composed of representatives of PNV, PSE and Elkarrekin Podemos, has a “broad agreement” between the three parliamentary groups to draft the report on the new status, according to El Correo.
This calls into question the basic lines agreed by EH Bildu and the Jeltzale training in the self-government report; as Gara explained, the right to decide is also in question.
Idoia Mendia said that the right to decide is a “fallacy”: “The next Statute has to go in the same vein. We do not believe in the right to decide. The time of Ibarretxe is a born issue.”
In view of this situation, EH Bildu disagreed with the work carried out by the experts in the field. He has ensured that the new status will be removed and that the group will present an articulated, "consensual" report.