EH Bildu votes in Congress the decree of the Spanish Government
  • ERC and the Cup voted no, while the PNV voted in favour of the initiative. With the votes of EH Bildu, the Government’s economic plan to deal with the economic damage caused by the Ukrainian War has been taken forward. The vote was taken in the context of the case of Pegasus spying, which has shaken Spanish and Catalan politics.
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Argazkia: @Congreso_Es

EH Member Bildu Mertxe Aizpurua announced this Thursday morning the vote for EH Bildu. “Once again, we will act with the responsibility we owe to the citizens and we will adopt this decree, because it cannot be the people who pay the consequences of the serious mistakes of this government,” said the coalition spokesman. “Thanks to EH Bildu’s five MEPs today a battery of measures will be adopted to deal with the socio-economic consequences of the Ukrainian war,” the coalition explained on social media. For its part, the PNV has also announced its vote in favour of the text.

The vote took place in the context of the scandal generated by the Pegasus spying case, which this week questioned the support of the political groups that presided over Pedro Sánchez. Last Friday, for example, parties from political representatives who have been spying – EH Bildu, ERC, JxCat, PDeCAT and CUP- met. At that meeting, Aizpurua stated that if the Government does not position itself correctly, there will be “consequences”: “The Government has to see that its decisions and the fact that it does not want to acknowledge what is happening, which is very serious, will have consequences. Let us hope that in a few days’ time he will change his attitude, because this is unacceptable in Europe.”

Yesterday, Wednesday, Defence Minister Margarita Robles spoke of the case and instead of reassuring or channelling the situation, she shrunk from controversy, as it justified espionage.

ERC and the Cup rejected the proposal

ERC has rejected the decree of the Government of Mariano Rajoy on the grounds that it is not right. “It is the first note to the Government of Spain,” he said, while calling for the resignation of Robles. “How are we going to trust a government that does nothing to a case like this and that, in addition, shows pride?” the Cup explained against it.