EH Bildu could go with ERC and BNG to the European Parliament elections
  • The three parties have already met four times, as reported by the Cup in a statement. EH Bildu will present the intention at its meeting on 14 December. "It is essential that people meet in the face of state repression," they stressed.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2018ko azaroaren 26a

EH Bildu emerged from the confluence of different Basque left-wing forces, and it would be possible today to present itself to the Brussels Parliament as a coalition made up of different parties in Spain. Members of EH Bildu, ERC and the Galego Nationalist Bloc are working on this. The conveners, who have already met on four occasions, have agreed that they maintain the same line of work. It remains to be seen whether the Basque, Catalan and Galician abbreviations will be merged.

The congress of the Basque coalition, Eusko Alkartasuna, will be held in Donostia-San Sebastian on 14 December. There they will present the proposal to meet the two aforementioned, as Gara states. On the other hand, one of the options is also to attend the next general elections in Spain together.

On November 18, the Catalan representatives attended the popular consultations organized by the dynamic Šesku Dago in Donostia. ERC member Joan Tardá made it clear that “a meeting of peoples is necessary” in the face of the “repression” of the Spanish State. It also revealed that the negotiations of the three parties "are on the right track". On the other hand, there has been speculation that Oriol Junqueras, currently incarcerated, could preside over the coalition of the Abertzale left.

In 2014, a million votes

It would not be the first time that EH Bildu joined the BNG, which has agreed the agreement with Bildu. They attended the 2014 European elections together, with the support of other smaller parties in Spain. In total, the Basque Parliament obtained 326,464 votes, which is a seat for the voters. ERC, for its part, presented with the smaller Catalan parties, and obtained 630,072 votes, two seats each.

This hypothetical coalition would therefore, on the basis of the 2014 coalition, obtain one million votes. There would be three seats, or perhaps four – on the occasion of Brexit, the Spanish state would have 59 seats instead of 54 seats.