The PNV would win in the Basque Parliament elections, but EH Bildu would be 2 seats, according to EITB Focus
  • The PNV would have 28 seats (3 fewer than the previous one) in this year’s Basque Parliament elections and EH Bildu 26 (5 more than in 2020).
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2024ko otsailaren 02a

The PNV would win the elections again, but it lost strength, and EH Bildu would be the second, but with a lot of growth, maintaining the trends of the last elections. These are the first results of the EITB Focus survey.

The PNV would have 28 seats with 35.8% (-3.3) of votes and 3 fewer representatives. However, EH Bildu would have 26 seats (+5) and 32.1% of the votes (+4.2).

As before, the PSE would be the third political force with 12 parliamentarians (+2) and 14.8% of votes (+1.1).

The PP would raise half a point in votes, so it would continue with the trend of the last elections, but repeat it again with six parliamentarians. Vox would lose its current seat with 1.6% of the votes (-0.4).

Elkarrekin Podemos - IU currently has six parliamentarians, but the political forces Podemos and Sumar have emerged from that coalition, and have not yet decided whether they will be presented together or separated. In the cast, Podemos would win 4% of the votes and 2 seats. Add 3.2% of the votes and 1 Member.

Sumar and Podemos together would get five seats and 7.2% of the votes. As a result, the PNV would lose one seat by reaching 27 and remaining from EH Bildu.

If there are numbers for change

With these results, presented by Sumar and Podemos, the PNV and the PSE-EE could vote 40 and maintain the current government (the absolute majority is 38 votes). EH Bildu and the PSE would reach just 38, and if you add those of Sumar and Podemos to 41. However, according to EH Bildu’s proposal to govern the winning party, the next Basque Government would be Imanol Pradales of the PNV.

The survey is carried out by Gizaker and is available in full here.