EH Bai looks to the French Parliament to "give voice to the struggles and alternatives of the Basque Country"
  • The left-wing Abertzale coalition appears in the three electoral constituencies of Ipar Euskal Herria. Egoitz Urrutikoetxea will be the candidate of the 4th constituency, with Terexa Lekunberri as an alternate; in the 5th Mathilde Hary vote, with Sylvain Aime as an alternate; and in the 6th, Peio Dufau, with Françoise Gallois next to him.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2022ko apirilaren 28a
EH Bai koalizioaren hautagaiak (Argazkia: EH Bai)

"Getting members of EH Bai is securing the voice of Ipar Euskal Herria in Paris. Over the past five years, as both the three Corsican Members and Paul Molace have shown, it is important to get Members who defend the interests of the natives." That is why the left-wing Abertzale coalition is calling for elections to the French Parliament.

It will be 12 and 19 June, and as far as Lapurdi, Nafarroa Beherea and Zuberoa are concerned, EH Bai also presents nominations. Egoitz Urrutikoetxea will be the candidate of the 4th constituency, with Terexa Lekunberri as an alternate; in the 5th Mathilde Hary vote, with Sylvain Aime as an alternate; and in the 6th, Peio Dufau, with Françoise Gallois next to him. The objective of the Abertzale candidacy is to "give voice to all the struggles and alternatives that take place in Ipar Euskal Herria".

In the presentation of the program, they have announced that the climate emergency is in their priorities, and they have also addressed the housing problem. In addition, EH Bai puts both the resolution of the political conflict and the Basque country at the forefront. He will carry his campaign on the left: "EH Bai will also defend other measures for social emancipation, the right to a dignified life for all, from respect for individual and collective freedoms."

Currently and since 2002, Jean Lassalle has been a member of the 4th electoral district – Baja Navarra, Zuberoa and part of Bearne – Florence Lasserre in the 5th area – cantons of Angelu, Baiona, Capital, Bastida and Bidaxun – with victory in the previous elections; and Vincent Bru in the area of San Pelitze 6. The last two belong to the party of the French President, Emmanuel Macron, and are tied to votes.

In 2017, EH Bai was also present, which received 8.51% of the votes in constituency 4 (3,912 votes); in zone 5, 5.66% (2,675 votes) and in district 6, 12% (6,191 votes).