If we look at the truth face to face, there are no great reasons for being too proud, but I am not pessimistic. Forty years have been many, but not useless. That is why, and above all, from respect for the lost people, we cannot ignore the struggles, initiatives and sufferings, and go ahead. We have to address the teachings that they offer us if we are to face up to it.
The political crisis that we are experiencing pollutes all areas, it cannot be escaped, is almost the only attitude, but few link the gravity of the current situation with the prevailing neo-liberal policy. That is why the promoters of the system, even if they are obvious, do not question it and blame the corruption of the few. But it's not new and it repeats itself.
It is therefore no coincidence, or the result of gigantic injustices is the current situation. There are many reasons, but one main one: the Spanish colonization of the past and of today. An attitude that links political reason with economic reason. An attitude that corrupts democracy, the favorite son of capitalism. This, - as has been said now - in addition to highlighting economic and political complementarity, allows us to understand the situation we live in Euskal Herria.
During these forty years, the very existence of the Abertzale Left, and its long history, has constantly called into question the nationalist aspect of the PNV and its commitment to Spanish action. Young people have no news at the time, but many others, the call for the demonstration of the “White Pigeons” in October 1978, which is elegant, showed the suspicious attitude of the nationalist response to that, how far it could go.
Forty years later we have learned that together with the members of the political and legal structure of a Spanish negativist and oppressive democratic model, many leaders of the PNV have become defenders of this grave state of denial of democracy.
I think the time has come to make self-criticism. But not only “those we have just arrived”, but also those who practice the spell in “Sabin Etxea”.
"Forty years later, we have learned that together with the members of the political and legal structure of a Spanish negativist and oppressive democratic model, many leaders of the PNV have become defenders of this grave state of denial of democracy"
Although some of us have pointed out aloud that we are “newcomers”, the truth is different, and we are also doing a long camino.En the bosom of the Abertzale left, we see that demystifying autonomy is harder than was thought at a time. To show that it is a venomous gift from the Spanish State to this people. Because it is very difficult, in all processes of national liberation, for the dominant power to use autonomy as an antidote to independence, after all the previous instruments have failed. And so, without sovereignty, more than an intermediate step, the trap is deadly in the face of the true freedom of this people.
It goes without saying that in the last legislatures the need for sovereignty is multiplying, with all the limits of autonomy in sight. Before it is too late, owning our future appears to us as an extreme necessity.
For us, as a people, as for all the denied peoples, time and space in this world - even more so within this increasingly homogenised world - has another dimension. The future, for example, is played in the present, it is played in today, but it is not a certainty, it is a pretension to be achieved.
Because territory is not just an area of affirmation, which is given by itself and which must be protected, especially what is defined with regard to the activity of foreigners. The territory is an unstructured network that we want to strengthen within our tuning and projects. To foreign denial its open, plural and non-exclusive character.
The way to make these opportunities possible is clear and unique. We have to work on a democratic alternative, a political status and sovereignty for this people, a real opportunity for a new level. This will open up a window for Basque democracy.
I mentioned this before and I would like to remind you again, forty-eight years ago (1971.02.06), a dialogue of EAJ-PNV- ETA- ELA- EGI-BRANKA, etc., united, full of honesty, in order to deal with the existing situation, with objectives of solidarity.
We did not succeed, OK, but despite the notorious and concrete differences – also right now – every day, also the undeniable “internal” obstacles, we have to sow solidarity. My reason is clear; continuing as before, we are able to maintain our own heritage and to “offer” what we owe to the people, but we will hardly achieve, “individually”, the future we demand.
Or do we not want the same thing?