The General Meetings of Gipuzkoa call for the release of prisoners in vulnerable situations
  • The General Boards of Gipuzkoa have called for the release of prisoners over 65 years of age or with chronic or serious illnesses resulting from the pandemic. They have also asked the Spanish Government to take those who have served three quarters of the sentence, who do not have a high risk of recidivism and who have a social prognosis.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko ekainaren 16a

The declaration by the General Boards has been endorsed by the political parties EH Bildu, PNV and Elkarrekin Gipuzkoa, among others.

They also call for other measures for prisoners imprisoned by the Bateragune case. Thus, “to generalize protective measures, analyze preventive symptoms and make a rapid diagnosis of people in prison”. In this way, it is intended that the prisoner can be transferred to the hospital as soon as possible if he/she tests positive for the coronavirus.

They have also called for prisoners to be able to communicate normally with their relatives and lawyers and to approach dispersed inmates.