Towards more democratic structures
Patxi Aznar 2024ko urtarrilaren 15a

The United States of America has made me think of the Palestinian truce veto on the United Nations Security Council, not only in the malfunctioning of the UN, but also in the discrimination suffered by innocent victims.

In this regard and by way of example, I wanted to see that all the facilities offered to Ukrainian refugees, both by the President of the Community of Madrid and by the President of the Spanish Government, as regards health care or access to rights, could be extended to Palestinian refugees or others.

Moreover, it should be noted that the US veto in the UN Gaza Security Council is not uncommon, as France did the same in 2009 to prevent the extension of the powers of M.I.N.U.R.S.0 (United Nations Mission to hold a referendum on self-determination in the Sahara). If this mission had extended its powers, it could guarantee the human rights of the citizens of that territory. On this point, and in view of the differences in treatment that countries give to refugees according to their origin throughout history, I believe that the democratic functioning of the United Nations is more necessary than ever, and so, for humanitarian issues at least, the right of veto held by France, Britain, the USA, Russia and China should be removed.

Patxi Aznar Bellido