The PNV loses a representative in Congress in favor of pp
  • The PNV lost the last Member to Bizkaia in favour of pp, by overseas votes and by some 200 poorly counted votes.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko azaroaren 13a
Beatriz Fanjul (erdian) izango da EAEko PPren ordezkari bakarra Espainiako Kongresuan.

By errors in the counting of votes, 200 votes in favour of pp were left unaccounted. To these are the votes of residents abroad who had not yet been counted on Sunday night.

This difference changes the distribution of Members going from the CAV to the Congress of Deputies. The PNV replaces seven seats by six, while the pp would obtain from Bizkaia the only Member in the Basque Autonomous Community.

The MP Beatriz Fanjul will have a seat in the Congress of Deputies, with which the training leading Pablo Casado will have 89 seats in the Congress.

The change is not yet final, as decisions on the latest challenges are lacking.