The PNV will vote in favour of extending the state of emergency until 23 May in exchange for elections to the CAV in July
  • The fourth extension of the state of alarm in the Spanish state will be voted on this Wednesday in the Congress of Deputies. The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, has lost a number of supporters, so he has had to negotiate with the PNV and Citizens to push ahead with the extension.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko maiatzaren 06a
Pedro Sanchez Espiniako preidentea eta Andoni Ortuzar EBBko burua. Argazkia: Última Hora.

Within hours of the political representatives in Congress voting, Pedro Sánchez’s request may be a yes. To this end, it has offered several concessions to both PNV and Citizens. It has promised the Jeltzales that the deescalation decisions will be taken between the two Governments and that the CAV will be able to hold elections this July in compliance with the plans of lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu.

For its part, Citizens has approved weekly collaboration in de-escalation and aid to ERTE and self-employed.

The proposal needs a simple majority of the 350 seats in the Spanish Parliament to get the proposal through. However, there are many parties on the tightrope between the yes and no; and if the pp also refuses, it will have 164 seats against. Thus, after losing the support of ERC, it has had to negotiate with Citizens and the PNV, since with the yes of both it would achieve 176 votes in favour.

Government Vice-President Carmen Calvo and PNV EBB Andoni Ortuzar held talks until Tuesday night. From the outset, the ruling party of the CAV has opted for a territorial deescalation in the confinement of the Basque Country. In this way, you can say yes to extending the state of alarm until 26 May, in exchange for allowing elections to the Basque Parliament and for the Basque Government to regain a leading role in managing this crisis.