EH Bildu has tabled an amendment urging the Lakua Government to review the guarantee of linguistic rights in the Administration of Justice within one year. This proposal aims to analyse the measures taken by the Basque Government to guarantee services in Basque and to prevent their spread. In this way, citizens can ask for justice in their own language.
EH Member Bildu Eraitz Sáez de Egilaz said that the administration of justice is a "meeting point" for the Basque country. That it is very difficult for judgments to be made in Basque, and that many have difficulty in carrying out legal proceedings in their language. For this reason, he considered that the Euskaldunization of justice is "a matter of urgency". The Council of Europe also calls for measures to ensure that trials can be held in Basque. The Council referred to the European Charter of Minority Languages, signed by the Spanish State.
In the amendment adopted by the PNV and the PSE, they called for "measures to promote the Euskaldunisation of Justice", although they did not specify exactly what will be done to achieve this. PSE Member Pau Blasi has recognised that it is "very difficult" for a trial to be held in Basque. Mr Sumarre's MEP, Jon Hernández, has said that he is in favour of EH Bildu's proposal, and has tabled his own amendment. Calling for an extension of the analysis of linguistic rights to the area of justice and to the Basque administration as a whole, as is the case with the Ertzaintza and Osakidetza.
The PNV and the PSOE have rejected the amendments of EH Bildu and Sumar and have approved their proposal to demand measures for the euskaldunization of justice in accordance with the Linguistic Normalization Plan 2023-2032 of the Justice Administration.