PNV and PSE conclude an agreement to distribute institutions "where possible"
  • PNV and PSE-EE ratify the governance pact. In this way, the agreement will allow them to govern jointly in many places where EH Bildu has been left before. In the City Hall of Vitoria-Gasteiz, in the General Councils of Gipuzkoa and in other municipalities, the situation is becoming clearer. They send the note not to mention the PP support they will need in many places.
Lander Arbelaitz Mitxelena @larbelaitz 2023ko ekainaren 02a
Artxiboko argazkian, Ortuzar eta Andueza. (Argazkia: Europa Press)

The PNV and the PSE-EE have closed the governance pact, so they have agreed to the constitution of coalition governments in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, as well as in many municipalities, applying the pact they had in force in the previous legislature "in all possible places".

In the statement that both parties have published, without a photo, they say that the municipal and foreign elections on 28 May have left in the CAV a "plural and fragmented" electoral map, "a reflection of the diversity of Basque society".

It is therefore expected that where EH Bildu has remained as the first force, if the numbers so warrant, PNV and PSE-EE will take power.

However, they will make it more complicated than four years ago. Because the strength of both parties has gone down and the strength of EH Bildu has gone up, so in some places to repeat the pact of the last legislature they will need the support of the PP, as they have done so far.

One such place is the General Boards of Gipuzkoa. Maddalen Iriarte won 15,000 votes and five seats for nationalist candidate Eider Mendoza, who lost 25,000 votes.

EH Bildu has risen from 17 to 22, and the PNV has dropped from 20 to 17, and the PSE led by José Ignacio Asensio also from 9 to 7 (also lost 10,000 votes). Mendoza, however, has announced that he will try to be a general deputy, which means that they will need the support of the PP, because the sum of EH Bildu and Elkarrekin Podemos gives 24, such as the sum of the PNV and the PSE. The PNV and the PSE said they would not accept the entry of the PP into their governments, but the Spanish right-wing party has said what the "red line" is if they want their support: Holding the post of Deputy Sports Representative of Gipuzkoa.