Anger after PNV supports PP’s budgets in ten significant tweets
  • The PNV has backed the PP government’s budgets with the view that it has acted “responsibly.” The nationalist party has repeatedly confirmed that Rajoy’s budget would not be approved as long as Article 155 of the Constitution remained in force in Catalonia. The dust has haunted the decisions in the networks, considering that the PNV has eaten "his word."  
Miren Osa Galdona @Mirentx_U 2018ko maiatzaren 24a
Aitor Esteban EAJko diputatua kongresuan eta Mariano Rajoy Espainiako Gobernuko presidentea.

1.- Mireia Boya, spokesperson for Busquet CUP: He could have been a mediator, and in the end, he's part of 155."


2.- Politician Pernando Barrena Sorrento: "The lack of competitiveness of the PNV towards Catalonia has been confirmed, and the worst thing is that it is a shot to the leg. The 155th is the main symbol of the PP and Ciudadanos, and they can use it against everyone, not only against the Catalans"


3.- Marian Beitilarrangoitia EH, Member of Parliament of the Assembly:


4.- Gabriel Rufian, Member of the Parliament of the ERC: he has used a Catalan expression that means everything for money.


5.- Journalist Martin Garitano:


6.- Journalist and lawyer Bea Talegon: "You're about to approve the PP budgets, aren't you, EAJ? I thought you were understanding what democracy was, what you took away from the Basques. But it seems to be a question of money. It's a shame."


7.- Aitor Sarriegi bertsolari:


8.- Joseba Permarch politician:


9.- Journalist Irantzu Varela: "Defending the PNV is not justified"


10.- Ernai of Ondarruko: