The Basque and Confesbask Governments Stand Up Against Suspension of Non-Essential Activities
  • The President of Confesbask, Eduardo Zubiaurre, has strongly criticized the new economic measures taken by the Government of Spain. He pointed out that the cessation of all non-essential activities is “an example of the inability and powerlessness of the central government”. In the same view, the PNV has argued that these measures will "seriously harm" the Basque economy.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko martxoaren 31
EAJ eta Confebaskeko agintariak.

The measure taken by the Government of Spain throughout the State has had a positive response from many sectors. The trade unions have been in favour of the measure, even though they have pointed out that it has been delayed. LAB argues that if the activity had been paralyzed earlier the number of infections would have been lower. EH Bildu is also of the same opinion, has stated that the measures should have been established before, and has ensured that the Spanish Government "is behind the pandemic".

Most of the criticisms have coincided with the importance of taking action and, although late, they have accepted the decision to paralyse the activity.

However, this has not been the case for the lehendakari of the Basque Government and for the president of the Basque employers, Iñigo Urkullu. The Basque Government Minister for Economic Affairs, Arantxa Tapia, has denounced the "nonsense" of the new measures, which do not take into account the industrial peculiarities of the autonomous communities.

The president of Confesbask, Eduardo Zubiaurre, who was president of the Municipal Assembly of the PNV of Eibar from 2015 to 2019, has been tougher than ever. It has denounced that as long as the Spanish Government takes such measures, companies from other countries are still in operation and, therefore, Basque companies will lose significantly. In addition, he added that they are "immersed in chaos and uncertainty", and that the current situation is "a nightmare" and would like to "wake up with leaders of another level".