26.7% of children and adolescents in the CAPV are at risk of poverty
  • This is data released by the Save de Children organization, which is in charge of the police operation. According to the CAV, there are 92,117 children and adolescents at risk of poverty or social exclusion, and seven points above the adult poverty rate.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko uztailaren 23a
Argazkia: Pablo Blázquez / Save The Children. Argazkia: Pablo Blázquez / Save The Children.

The existence of sons or daughters is a cause of poverty, as stated in this report by Save de Children: in its projection (page 24, in Spanish), in the Spanish State, 16.1% of households without children are in poverty in 2020. Conversely, the percentage of poverty in households with children is 25.4% in which two parents share a household, 28.3% in the case of other models and the most serious is the situation of single parent families: In the CAV, 55% of these cases are in poverty, and these are families that are, above all, mothers.

The association points out that in the CAPV, the average cost of raising a child is 615 euros per year, an amount that increases as the age of the child increases.