In the UAE, public transport discounts will be maintained for the moment
  • The Basque Government and the Provincial Councils anticipate that the goal is to continue with a 50% discount, but they are still waiting for the decision of the Spanish Government to secure funding.

Leire Ibar 2025eko urtarrilaren 23a
Printzipioz %50eko deskontua mantenduko da Gipuzkoan, Bizkaian eta Araban.

The provincial councils of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa and the Basque Government have indicated that they will maintain public transport discounts for the time being, despite the fact that the Spanish Congress on Wednesday did not approve the decree law that includes transport subsidies.

Currently, the discount for public transport in the Basque Country is 50%: 30% is financed by the Spanish Government, 10% by the Basque Government and the remaining 10% by the provincial councils and municipalities. When the Spanish Government does not approve the decree, they will not finance this 30% discount, so the amount of the discount in the future remains to be determined.

The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa has confirmed that, in principle, the discounts applied to the Gipuzkoa Territobus services will be maintained. However, according to the Provincial Mobility Department, the length of the discounts has not been determined, although it has been explained that they are working in coordination with the other institutions.

In Bizkaia, discounts on the Bizkaibus and Bilbobus buses will also be maintained at 50%, according to the Department of Transport of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. However, they explain that the decision to maintain these discounts will depend on their conversations with the Spanish government.

In Álava, discounts on Alavabus and Tuvisa will be maintained until at least January 31. While the Spanish Government is considering ways to send the aid back to Congress.

The Department of Sustainable Mobility of Lakua has informed Efe that contacts have been initiated with the Spanish Ministry of Transport to clarify the situation regarding subsidies and to ensure the continuity of the issue of discounts.