CAV centres shall authorise at least four weekly departures and two visits
  • The coordination organization of covid-19 of the CAV, formed by the Deputies and the Department of Health, has agreed on March 1 to make the measures of the residences more flexible once the process of vaccination of residents and workers is completed. They may receive at least four weekly departures and two visits: on visits two persons may go at the same time and should not always be the same persons. Measures shall be suspended if the municipality enters red. As of today, Álava and Gipuzkoa will implement the new adjustment measures, which will affect all territories.
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According to the information provided by EITB, measures against COVID-19 will be speeded up in CAV residences and a new protocol has been agreed. Until now, prevention measures had been relaxed in the residences of Bizkaia alone, allowing three weekly family visits and two walks. This new protocol will be presented at the LABI meeting on Friday for ratification. But Gipuzkoa and Álava will start to implement the new measures from today.

Minimum 2 weekly visits

According to the protocol that has just been agreed, the elderly may receive at least two visits. On visits, two people may go at the same time and not always the same. Each centre may determine the frequency and diversity of visits, "depending on the personal situation and organizational resources of each resident".

However, this new protocol will not be in place if the municipality where the nursing home is located enters the red zone, that is, if the incidence per 100,000 inhabitants is greater than 500.