The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country rejects UGT’s request against language profiles
  • The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country has rejected the request of the UGT trade union to cancel the requests of Euskera in the Euskotren stabilisation process. The judge points out that the requirements are approved in the collective agreement signed by the UGT itself, and therefore has no right to file a complaint.
Leire Ibar 2024ko urriaren 03a
Batzorde Iraunkorraren irailaren 17ko elkarretaratzea Raul Mendez Urugoitia

Article 50 of the Euskotren Collective Agreement establishes the linguistic profiles, so it is necessary to apply for Euskera level B2 in the selection tests. The judge has stressed that the demands of Euskera correspond to the agreement and the plan of Euskera approved by the company.

The ELA syndicate applauded this decision by considering that the "involution" that UGT has had on the subject of linguistic profiles has become evident. ELA sees collective bargaining as an instrument to guarantee linguistic rights and undertakes to strengthen Euskotren’s and the public sector’s Basque plans.

In a statement, ELA pointed out that this ruling makes it clear that UGT is the entity that subscribes to the Euskotren Convention and that it must therefore respect the approved criteria. Thus, ELA will continue to defend the normalization of Euskera and strengthen the presence of Euskera in the work environment, guaranteeing linguistic rights in society.