CAV restaurants must keep your customers' contact details for three weeks
  • The Basque Government has included this new measure in its plan to combat the pandemic. In the event of a coronavirus case, health services may request customer data from establishments.  
Iraitz Madariaga Etxebarria 2021eko uztailaren 13a
Argazkia: Eitb

Restaurants in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa shall keep for at least three weeks the contact details of at least one person at each table. Establishments shall indicate the date and time at which the service has been provided and shall provide the data if requested by the health services. The Department of Health has collected the update in its pandemic response protocol and if there is any case of coronavirus, it will serve to monitor the infections.

In the document, the Government also recalls some of the measures established in the hospitality sector, such as distances, ventilation, capacity or closing hours, and advises users. Inside, the use of a mask is mandatory, but not outside, as the risk of infection is lower. However, the Basque Government has called for the safety distance of 1.5 metres to be respected in the outdoor areas and has recommended that smoking should be avoided. They have explained that to stop the spread of the virus, you prefer to pay by credit card to avoid physical contact, rejecting cash.