LAB denounces that the CAV Department of Education has submitted proposals "loaded with improvisation and lack of consensus"
  • She has accused the Education Counselor of "being gone" over the past few weeks and of "making proposals wrong and late."
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko abuztuaren 20a
LABen mobilizazioa Nafarroan murrizketen kontra. Argazkia: @LABirakasknafar

Less than two weeks after the start of the new course, the governments of Pamplona and Vitoria-Gasteiz have announced in recent days their intentions regarding the return to schools. In both cases, the LAB syndicate has denounced that the proposals presented "are designed unilaterally and have been designed unilaterally".

LAB says that the makeshift decisions of the last moment have left clear doubts and gaps. In addition, it has denounced that while the CAV has reinforced the re-emergence of COVID19, the Education Counselor has been “disappeared”, “without giving explanations to the concerns of workers, agents and families”.

Similar complaint

The LAB complaint coincides with the one Steilas held accountable to the Department of Education earlier this week. In addition to denouncing improvisation, the union warned that it is "impossible" to implement the proposed plan without hiring new personnel, among other issues.