The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country ratifies the ruling of the judge who argued that Euskera was "one of the most difficult languages"
  • The ruling of Gasteiztarra Judge Ana María Martínez Navas struck the shores in 2021, when he stated that "Euskera was the fifth most difficult language in the world." He exempted an interim from the City Council of Laudio from the accreditation of the linguistic profile, claiming that he was over 45 years old. The High Court of Justice ratifies the judgment.
Onintza Irureta Azkune @oirureta 2023ko abenduaren 18a
Laudioko udaletxea. Argazkia: Javier Mediavilla Ezquibela / CC 3.0

The City Council of Laudio stopped by not crediting the linguistic profile. The Judge of Vitoria, Ana María Martínez Navas, left office in December 2021. The argument to issue this resolution was that the worker did not have to prove the profile, since he was over 45 years old. Under the law, public employees are not required to fulfil the language profile if they are over 45 years old. The worker who ceased was not an official but an interim. The judge considered that the exemption from language profiles also affects the intermediaries.

The court decision provoked anger over the judgment given and over the arguments used for it. He said that "Euskera was the fifth most difficult language in the world" and that in some lists it was ranked first. Number 3 of Vitoria-Gasteiz is given below. Delivered by the Judge of the Court Martínez Navas in judgment:

“Given the investment of 1,295 hours of rest and leisure of this person and the fact that he has only obtained profile 1 after this effort, it seems that the Administration has forgotten that the Basque language is the fifth most difficult language in the world (in some lists the first one appears). The main difficulty of this language is that it has no relation to other languages, as it has had an isolated evolution over time. Added to this is the complexity of the structure: in terms of vocabulary, the meaning of words changes when hundreds of suffixes, prefixes and prefixes are added. The City of Laudio says that after 1.295 hours ONLY has achieved the first linguistic profile and suspended the contract. This demonstrates a lack of sensitivity to the extraordinary learning difficulties of this language and, above all, it should be noted that it achieved the first linguistic profile”.

The City of Laudio can appeal

The City of Laudio appealed and decided on 2 November, and as officially announced on 15 December, the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country has dismissed the appeal. It does not accept the termination of the interim. Judge of the Basque Court José Antonio Gónzalez Saíz argues: “It would not make sense for the career official to have the opportunity to take up a job at the age of 45, and if the interim official could not do so, no objective cause would justify it by having two objectively comparable situations governing the exemption.”

The resolution is not final, as the Town Hall of Llodio may appeal to the Administrative Disputes Chamber of the Supreme Court.