Altxa Burua Group calls for a ban on mobile phones in CAV Secondary Education Schools
  • The Altxa Burua group calls for the removal of mobiles in secondary schools in the CAV, by applying a regulatory ban. This week a request has been made to the Basque Parliament for the Department of Education to designate schools as mobile free spaces.
Sustatu 2024ko abenduaren 04a

The Altxa Burua initiative was born in Gipuzkoa in 2019, but in September of this year the groups of Bizkaia and Araba, which are represented by 6,000 families, have also met. These are "groups of parents who want to drive the good use of technology," they say on their website.

According to President Levante, scientific evidence shows that there have been significant improvements in education when mobile phones have been left out of schools. For example, the obligations of teachers and students have been improved, attention capacity has been improved, improvements have been made in the face of cyberbullying, mobile phone dependence has been reduced, PISA reports have been increased, physical activity has been increased and exchanges of students have been strengthened.

On the contrary, if the use of the mobile device is allowed, there are no improvements in any area. Even if it is not used, it is considered that having a mobile phone in classrooms is detrimental to attention. In view of this, rather than recommendations, what they call for is a ban, according to the chronicles of the meeting.

In addition to the concerns of educational institutions, the Altxa Burua group has other objectives. For example:

  • Delay delivery to children of devices with Internet access.
  • Training of adults and children in appropriate use, model of family use and network of awareness.