Fighting for dignity
Mukixuko Guraso talde bat 2022ko maiatzaren 06a

In this letter we wish to denounce the reality and attitude of the Government of the Mukixu Children's School of Navarra and especially of Bera. All of us who are part of the Children's Schools of Navarra, parents, children and workers suffer the negative consequences of this situation. That is why:

We want to show the kindness and support of the workers of the Children's Schools, recognizing and claiming their right to strike.

By improving the conditions of the leaders of the L, it is clear that the well-being of our children is guaranteed.

If we want a K-T education (a concept that Mr Gimeno likes so much), the welfare of workers should be one of the main objectives of politics.

"We know that on many occasions the personal efforts of workers, as has happened so far, fill the gaps in education policy and we believe that the time has come to change the situation"

We know that the personal efforts of the workers, as has happened so far, fill the gaps in education policy and we believe that the time has come to change the situation.

The drop in R Points is a basic demand for an education worthy of our children.

By T-amal, they had to resort to the strike to be experts in the basic demands.

More than the A-rerio, the Government of Navarre must understand that they are workers and people and that their demands are basic and legitimate.

At S-obera we know that dialogue is necessary for a solution.

U-mes also suffer from this blocking situation.

We call on the N-afarroa Government, as parents, to take the demands seriously and to provide a dignified solution.

Join the Mukixu Workers!