The Bilbao Comparsas pay tribute to the citizen response to the floods of 40 years ago
  • The central event of the Elkarlan Uholdea campaign took place on Saturday. They call for continued cooperation in the face of extreme climate events that could proliferate as a result of global warming.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko abuztuaren 28a
Plaza Barrian egindako ekitaldia. Argazkia: Bilboko Konpartsak.

The event is organized by the Comparsas de Bilbao, with the objective of remembering the efforts of the people who helped rebuild Bilbao and its surroundings 40 years ago. They have met in Plaza Nueva and the event has started at 13:00 with artists and guests.

In the event, they stressed that the collaboration of that time continues today, highlighting the collective effort of thousands of volunteers organizing the Aste Nagusia of Bilbao. The act ended with a toast between all the participants of the comparsas and the honors of the time, after the rocket was launched by the pacifier.

In addition to the tribute, the drivers of the Elkarlan Uholdea campaign have indicated another objective for the future: “The directions of global warming are causing the proliferation of extreme climate events. At one point, Bilbao is at risk of flooding. So how are the bilbaiters going to act? Just as an exemplary holiday model was created 45 years ago, a model of exemplary collaboration was created 40 years ago. Don’t miss it!”