San Sebastian reminds the victims of the Gamazada 130 years ago
  • At least six people were killed by the Civil Guard during the incidents in the Gamazada rebellion 130 years ago. A song has been a tribute to freedom.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2023ko abuztuaren 28a
Martin Anso / Donostitik

The popular revolt of Gamazada opened in Navarre in May 1893 and lasted until May 1894. In Spain they were times of hard crisis, and Finance Minister Germán Gamazo set out a series of restrictive measures, including the total abolition of the Navarro foral regime, with its latest touches. Therefore, the popular revolt in Euskal Herria was one of the first positions that, after the loss of the excerpts, publicly and forcefully restated the value of the excerpts, Gamazada by historian Xabier Irujo. The force of the Union (Txalaparta, 2023), explains. This is what Iñaki López Luzuriaga says in his introduction: "In the temperate of Gamazada some of the symbols and memories of the Basque Renaissance that we know today were gestated, matured or disseminated: Ikurriña, the anthem Gernikako Arbola, the monument to the Forces of Pamplona, the Zazpiak Bat shield and, later, the modern official shield of Navarra".

In Pamplona, in June, some 15,000 people protested, and the first serious incidents took place in Vitoria-Gasteiz in early August; a few days, in Gernika, a prestigious Sanrokada event was held, in which Spanish flags were burned before the Spanish authorities, and then the San Sebastian event arrived on 27 August.

Minister Práxedes Mateo Sagasta was on holiday in San Sebastian. On that day, the summer atmosphere was the bullfighting, the hanging casino and the municipal band on the Boulevard kiosk. At the end of the concert, a citizen asked the director of the band to hit the Tree of Gernika, which was the soundtrack of the Gamazada, but the director told him no, because the mayor had expressly ordered him. But the citizens did not remain silent: they sang capella and "Gora Foruak!". "Let's go to Sagasta's house." They traveled to Hotel London during the uprising, where the minister was. The Civil Guard drove away the shooting, fired at least 30 shots according to historians, and there were multiple injuries in the incidents. Historian Iñaki Egaña explains that although initially three people were believed to have died, there were at least six. He also welcomed over 60 people.

In February of the year following the incidents, Minister Gamazo rejected the measure of annulment of the foral regime in Navarre.

Request to the Council for recognition of victims

The popular initiative Gamazada in San Sebastian has placed a plaque on the kiosk of Boulevard Donostiarra as a tribute to the victims. They ask the City Hall to "assume and officiate" the tribute.

The tribute was made in singing, with the title: "A song to freedom." Among others, they have sung the Gernikako Arbola and Beñat Gaztelumendi has sung the verse in this melody. It concludes, as Naiz received: "Today we add/honor 130/years/ praising voices/rebels/stone and singing."

A plate has been placed in the kiosk. Photo: Lander Arbelaitz / ARGIA CC BY, S.A.