The use of drones to enforce the confinement to the population is extended
  • In the UK, police drones are under the control of whether or not citizens comply with the lockdown. Drones record images from public places and upload them to Twitter as examples of things that shouldn't be done.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko apirilaren 02a
Erresuma Batuko polizia bat dronarekin probak egiten.

Several departments of the State Police have broadcast on Twitter the videos that have been recorded by the drones. In the videos you see people walking around the dog or playing sports. The police consider that these actions are not essential and instructs them to stay at home.

Not only that, but also a vigilance has been launched via Twitter and it has taken care of whoever publishes in that social network some message or photo that breaks the measures.

People complain about police actions like former Supreme Court judge Jonathan Sumption. Sumption says that the measures approved by the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, allow sport to take place on the street, and that the police are doing that because some ministers have said that they prefer people not to do sport on the street. “The police have no competence to strengthen ministers’ claims, they just have to put in place legal measures,” he says.

Sumption has defined the current situation in the United Kingdom as "a police state". Similarly, Colm O´Cinneide, professor of human rights at University College London, has pointed out that in some cases the police are taking action for political reasons and not for legal reasons.

Not just in the UK

The coronavirus crisis has been exploited by several States, including Israel, France, Spain, South Korea, to take control of population movements. Although the use of drones has not been so widespread, there are other examples at the international level, as is the case in Catalonia. The Municipal Police of Parets del Vallés (Barcelona) has started using drones so that people on the street can go home and take their temperature.

In several Italian localities, the movements of citizens are also controlled by means of a drone.