More than 80,000 people in Pamplona reject the sentence against the young people of Altsasu
  • Pamplona has become small in the face of a flood of tens of thousands of citizens from the Basque Country and the rest of the State. All of them have made it clear that they reject the ruling of the National Court against the young people of Altsasu. The demonstration was also attended by a delegation from the Government of Navarre demanding a proportional sentence. According to the organizers, more than 80,000 people attended the rally.  
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2018ko ekainaren 16a
Argazkia: Dani Blanco

With the appearance of bolos and demonstrations among the citizens who were going to overcome the demonstration of April 15, it has been mentioned that today there have been more journalists and citizens than the previous one, that is, more than 50,000 people.

The demonstration could not make the usual route because in the Plaza del Castillo there was a marathon of this time of year. From Sámara go to Zaragoza Avenue and enter through Avenida Navarra Baja in Avenida Carlos III, ending in Plaza de la Libertad.

Some of the moments can be seen in the following photos by Dani Blanco:

Footer of the photo: by Dani Blanco
Photo by: by Dani Blanco
Photo by: by Dani Blanco
Photo by: by Dani Blanco

Thousands of people from Catalonia, Castile, Galicia, Aragon and different parts of the Spanish State have been repeatedly thanked, both by the demonstrators and by the stage at the end of the event.

Photo by: by Dani Blanco

A summary of the demonstration can be seen in the following tweets.




This video, collected by a citizen, shows the crowded Avenida de Zaragozago.


This moment, in so many other ways, has been emotional, as at the end of Avenida de Zaragoza the neighbors of the whole building have beaten the leader of the demonstration, and those around the banner have also applauded the neighbors with gratitude.