The company Red Eléctrica Española has begun to build power towers in the areas of the nesting massif of Aramotz, within the construction of the electric highway between Güeñes and Itsaso. The environmental organization Makatza denounces that the works have threatened the population of this bird.
This necrophagous bird is protected throughout Europe. In addition, to this protection we must add that the place where the towers are being built is located in the "peripheral band of the Urkiola Natural Park", according to the environmental group.
The towers have begun to be built following the travel of the pair of white vultures, as highlighted by ARGIA "in haste", which migrated in September to the Sahel of the African continent and will not return until spring. "The towers of the Spanish Electric Network that facilitate the 'hunting' of our victim are threatened. You just need to put 400 kW cables to hunt the alimoche," they say.
The local journal of Begitu Arratia picks up the following images:
Makatzak emphasizes on Facebook that the Environmental Impact Declaration of the project does not contain the nest of the alimoche, but the General State Gazette states that there is a "brown" vulture. They consider that the project "due to this transcription error" received a favorable statement after rejecting the appeals filed. In addition, there are currently at least four white nests, as ecologists have seen.
For the construction of an infrastructure with two lines of high tension between Güeñes and Itsaso, 132 towers of 70 meters height have been built in 24 municipalities.
To denounce all this, a departure to Aramotz will be made this Saturday, starting from the same town hall of Igorre at 10:00 in the morning.