Report the "armor" of Guardetxea in Donostia
  • The Young Assembly of the Old Party (AZGA) denounces that the City of San Sebastian has “shielded” the Guardetxea de Urgull. In the images published on the networks it can be observed that both the entrances to the site and the metal plates placed in the windows and doors of the building make access difficult. “It is clear that the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastian prefers to keep the building blank rather than to fix the neighbors in auzolan and build a self-managed project,” AZGA said.
Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo Beñat Parra @parrabenat 2023ko otsailaren 17a
Guardetxean metalezko plaka batzuk jarri dituzte. (Argazkia: AZGA)

It should be remembered that the Young Assembly occupied the Guardetxe in December, with the intention of opening the gaztetxe of the Old Party. However, the Municipal Guard closed the area shortly afterwards, and although those of the Assembly were later reinstated and neighborhood work was done, the Municipal Guard reempted the area. Thus, last weekend a demonstration was held from the Old Party to claim that the neighborhood needs a gaztetxe.

Guardetxea has been empty since 2019, after ten years of management by the Bandabat association and various cultural activities. The building must be repaired, but in these years the City Hall has not repaired it. In the January plenary, the Councillor for Equality, Solidarity, Civil Rights, Ane Oiarbide, explained that a rehabilitation project still needs to be requested and that the Council should authorise it, and that this year they have foreseen EUR 50,000 for its implementation. He also said that when they take the management of the area for public tender they will not reserve it to the neighborhood agents, as requested by EH Bildu.