Courses for DonostiaKultura in Basque?
  • As every year, the registration period for DONOSTIAKULTURA courses has begun. And like every year, the concern is that groups in Euskera go out into the street. Actually, little hope.
Maddi Alvarez 2019ko irailaren 11

We have been trying for years to get the groups in Euskera moving forward, in one way or another, trying to make them see that more needs to be done, because most groups are falling, unfortunately. We sent our complaints to the beginning. Subsequently, we have come to the offices of Culture with different proposals and ideas, as well as to those responsible for Euskera of the Municipal Government. We have always received the same answer: “We’ll study it.”

The problem is that the minimum standards established in the Basque groups are not met. But why is this happening? Because people know that most of the groups in Euskera are suspended, and therefore they are going to be left without corridors. Therefore, he is registered in Spanish-language groups.

It is clear that registration in the Basque groups must be encouraged. In the Houses of Culture and on the website the possibility was raised to place the cards “Matricúlate in the groups in Basque”, to lower the minimum number in the groups in Basque, to put a cheaper tuition, to make bilingual groups when the group does not leave in Basque – which allows the dynamics of the class of the course – because many times the professor wants to do the same… To help the Basque people who want to do it

But they have done nothing!

Last year we brought them a model of the cards mentioned, but we only needed to make copies. They didn't put them in. This year either. The course brochure is once again the same as every year. Registration in Euskera groups is nowhere encouraged

Last year we brought them a model of the cards mentioned, but we only needed to make copies. They didn't put them in. This year either. The course brochure is once again the same as every year. Registration in Basque groups is nowhere encouraged. At least, they could indicate that guarantees will be given to be able to move to groups in Spanish*. Nothing. The minimum figures have not changed: ten in Spanish, eight in Euskera (given that in Donostia we are 35% of Euskaldunes, it does not seem very proportional! ). Prices are the same. Well, for those who are enrolled in an Euskaltegi, they offer a 25% discount. All right, they have reminded the Euskaldunberris, opening a door to practice Euskera, helping to use it, but if there is no effort to create groups, that is no use! The Spanish-language groups cannot become bilingual because those who have enrolled in these groups “do not want to Basque,” one technician explained.

*There is a possibility that people enrolled in Euskera groups will not stay in the street: take into account the time of registration. When no group is formed in Basque, complete the Spanish tuition according to the time. But this does not guarantee equal opportunities for the Basques. We want a real opportunity to do the course in Basque. Otherwise, as every day happens in so many places, they will force us to renounce the election of our Basque and impose Spanish.