The City of Donostia-San Sebastian will ask the new Basque Government to apply a tourist tax
  • The mayor, Eneko Goia, has pointed out that it will be one of the first petitions.
Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo Inaxio Esnaola 2024ko ekainaren 27a
Turista talde bat, Donostiako Parte Zaharrean. / Argazkia: Beñat Parra / Irutxuloko Hitza CC BY NC-ND.

The mayor, Eneko Goia, has reiterated that the municipal government will ask the newly constituted Basque Government to set up a tourist tax in Donostia-San Sebastián. What is more, he pointed out that it will be one of the first requests. In fact, the electoral program of the PNV contains the commitment to implement the tourist tax in the Basque Country.

In this way, the City Hall will urge the Basque Government to take the necessary steps to implement this tax "as soon as possible".The mayor believes that it will be beneficial for the city, as it will be "useful" to improve the services

In October last year, the City Council led Lakua to claim the tourist tax. “In our case, the City Hall understands that the reality of San Sebastian deserves a tax, however, without conditioning the rest of the municipalities, because the touristic realities are very varied,” said Tourism Councilor Jon Insausti, at the Basque Tourism Table.