The municipal government of Eneko Goia has decided to reduce the number of opposition motions
  • The two parties of the municipal government of Donostia-San Sebastian, led by Eneko Goia, have criticised on Thursday what they defended six years ago, when they were in opposition. They have agreed to reduce the motions for control of the Corporation and from now on it will be the party councillors who set the number of motions they can make. EH Bildu, Elkarrekin Podemos and pp have denounced the "authoritarian" character of the Basque Government, which has denied any form of discrimination. In addition, it has been approved that the municipal government will have the last word in the interchanges, with the modification of the regulations.
Lander Arbelaitz Mitxelena @larbelaitz 2020ko urriaren 30
Eneko Goia, osteguneko udal batzarrean.

PNV and PSE of Donostia-San Sebastián have approved to modify the operation of the municipal corporation by amending Articles 97.3 and 98 of the Organic Regulations of the Corporation. Inaxio Esnaola, by Irutxuloko Hitza, has gathered in this chronicle what happened in the plenary, in which an act of great tension has been experienced.

The municipal government has defended the intention to "reorganize the plenary" and "adapt it to the regulations of the big cities" in this decision. For its part, the opposition has criticised the PSOE "wishing to deny the voice to the citizens" via the Internet.

So far, each group could make as many questions as they would like. Among the changes, the modification of the regulations on petitions has also been approved, which from now on will always be the last word of the municipal government.