New song by the Pirates of San Sebastian to celebrate its 20th anniversary
  • The Pirates’ movement began in 2003 in San Sebastian with the aim of questioning the Big Week model and claiming popular festivities. Two decades later, they have once again insisted that the festival is an "instrument for social transformation", and have also created the motto of this year's celebration in this sense: Long live the party! Long live transformation! In addition, to commemorate the anniversary they have presented the song Aurtzaka goaz.
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It is 20 years since the beginning of the Pirates' movement in order to "approach" San Sebastian, and this year they have created a song with the name of Aurtzaka goaz: "Next August we will be approaching the city of San Sebastian for the twentieth time. So what better way to celebrate and make known the 20 years of scrolling and fortunes of the movement for popular festivities than music? they explain.

"The party is not an isolated fact, something alien to society or everyday life, the Pirates explain. On the contrary, parties are a staging of social relations, cultural patterns and structural problems. They reflect the reality of the society they celebrate and, in this sense, they can serve as a mechanism to perpetuate it".

In this sense, giving importance to singing, dancing and celebrating, "because it is a fundamental social rite," this new song, called Aurtzaka goaz, will be added to others already made for the Pirates. They have also completed the video: