Eh Bildu considers that the last hole generated by the works of the Donostia-San Sebastian metro is three times the previous one
  • EH councillor Bildu, Garbiñe Alkiza, has reported that last week it took 100 cubic meters of concrete to cover the hole appearing on Zubieta Street in Donostia-San Sebastián.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko maiatzaren 13a
Kontxako aldageletan agertutako zuloa (argazkia: Donostiako EH Bildu)

Eh Bildu has asked a number of questions at the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastian about the last hole caused by the subway pass being built by Eusko Trenbide Sarea in Donostia-San Sebastián. The discovery of the juice in the area of Zubieta Street occurred last Friday and forced the closure of the dressing rooms of the beach of La Concha. According to Garbiñe Alkiza of EH Bildu, it is a triplo of the other two holes that the works have caused and have required 100 cubic meters of concrete to cover them.

EH Bildu denounces that the information from the administrations that are building this infrastructure has been "inversely to the proportion of the hole" and accuses them of "camuflar": "Eneko Goia wants to plug the holes in the subway pass through silence and without telling the truth," he added. In this sense, they have pointed out that only a brief STD note on the event has been made public and, furthermore, "this has not been put on the website of the public company, nor has it been disseminated through social networks".